A strange comparison, but when you see the evidence you’ll see where I’m going with this.
In the last week a couple in Portugal fell to their death on a cliff taking a selfie. A tragic story and one that will add to the growing list of statistics that show that you are now more at risk of death taking a selfie as you are being attacked by a shark. Even more concerning is the fact of how people are loosing their lives. Most often due to great heights or near water.
Phones and devices that allow us to share our lives through social media are changing our habits in a most profound way. It is becoming a rarity for people of all ages to be in the moment. There is always something going on to watch, read about or respond to. We are becoming less aware of the environment around us and remaining in our false sense of security bubble looking at our phones.
Studies are being compiled across the world about the incidents of selfie deaths. India in particular has the dubious honour of the highest rates.
As photographers we are constantly looking at what is happening around us to ensure the best photo opportunity. It is with the ultimate in mindfulness when carrying around lenses and cameras worth $10K that we consider our footing, our location, the light and the conditions before hitting the shutter release button. Teaching people to be more mindful as they compose, and shoot selfies could help with changing the statistics!
Join the Mindful Photography Group and learn how to compose mindfully.