Today I listened to Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule audio book. Mel Robbins says “When you count backwards, you mentally shift the gears in your mind, you do what psychologists call assert control of your mind.” Sounds simple… yes. Here is why
It was quite an eye opener for me. Working with Paul McCarthy of the Marketers Club for over 2 years he has a similar motto: Ready, Fire, Aim.
What I have learned from them both is that we need to take action to gain momentum. Sounds simple, right?
For people who live with depression and anxiety sometimes just getting started can be overwhelming. Speaking from experience, I know only too well. Dealing with depression and running a business can be incredibly daunting. There have been many times when overwhelm comes in and importance of what is in front of me becomes all I can deal with.
What I have learned is that paying attention to the here and now is an important antidote to rumination. My motto is “What’s in front of me for the next 10 minutes” Get that done and then move onto the next thing on the list.
For someone who is a big picture person, that can be very challenging, but breaking it down in to small manageable chunks creates a positive mindset once the task is completed.
Understand the purpose behind what is being achieved with every 10 minutes and celebrate each achievement.
What is in front of you for the next 10 minutes?