While shopping for glasses with my daughter last night for new glasses frames, I was reminded of how I’m becoming obsolete. I know, it’s been happening for a while now!
When selecting frames she wanted to have her friends opinion on her glasses. I thought it would I would be helpful and took her iPhone to take the photo. She pulled a funny face, rolled her eyes and said, no thanks, I’ll do it myself! Of course, she then had control of everything and she could see the face she was making (which by the way was quite a silly face).
Most 16 year olds take photos of themselves this way. What they don’t always realise is that the quality of the image is considerable worse. Most phones have a forward facing camera that is a much lower resolution and therefore poorer handling of light so we end up with a lowest common denominator of photos of us.
The low quality of the selfie reminded me of the instamatic photos of the 1970’s. The have not stood the test of time! See my next blog post to find out why!