I see them everyday! Shots of people with their pets, wearing sunglasses or with a glass of alcohol in hand! Would you use the same shots on your linkedin profile as on Facebook social media? LinkedIn is the fastest growing platform for professionals to network and job search. Would you use images of such shots on your resume?
People spend a lot of time putting a profile, creating evidence to support it, but tit is your image is the only thing that will make or break.
It’s not connecting based on how pretty or handsome you are, it’s about the professionalism of the image that is being projected.
Your images are saying something about you whether you intend it or not.
A study by job website theladders.com indicated that recruiters spend more time looking at your photo than reading your resume.
An eye-tracking heat map found that they spent 19% of their time on your photo and significantly less time reviewing your skills or past work experience.
You are limiting your opportunities if you using images that look unprofessional. Brands like Apple, Coca Cola and Tiffany understand that branding and creating an image is critical to their success. There is a reason for their success and it’s not just about the quality product. It is about marketing. Everything you do is saying something about you.
Check out our 7 Deadly Profile Sins and see if yours stacks up.