Another amazing morning teaching a photography class. A students tell me at the end of the class “I learned more in this 2 hour class than I did in a whole term of photography at school” I feel humble and proud to have the opportunity to impart my knowledge as a professional photographer. It’s the second time this year that a student has said that to me! Its why I do what I do!
Today I had the privilege to teach an amazing group of enthusiastic young people from Melbourne and country Victoria who were very talented! What excites me about teaching teens about photography? It’s the vigour and excitement of achieving the shot that they were able to get once they understood how to use the camera on the manual settings. The power of using the settings to create amazing images.
Photography combines 2 of my favourite things: Science and Art. There are so many rules to follow and yet sometimes breaking them is the what allows us to get the great shot!
It is so amazing to watch students get excited about photographing the beauty of the Botanic Gardens. Capturing a dragonfly or bees pollinating. Seeing their enthusiasm when they understand how to get a sharp shot of a bird flying over the lake with an amazing reflection. I love Melbourne! Such beauty to photograph, so little time!